Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I start school today!

Today I am headed to George Mason University to start working towards my Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and Geoinformation Systems.  Here are my thoughts about starting school again:

I am really excited.  I love school and I cannot wait to start classes again.  Also, Kyle got me some really cute school supplies for Christmas so I am prepared.  I hope that I enjoy my classes, work on an awesome dissertation, and one day be qualified to teach.

I am also really nervous, really scared.  I never thought I would going back to graduate school for my Ph.D.  I also never imagined I would be working full time and going to school.  I am scared because I do not know if I can handle it all.  I am scared because I have no idea what the next few years are going to bring.  I am scared because I do not have a dissertation topic yet and I am not sure what area I want to study.  (I love the sciences and spent six years of my education studying the earth science side of geography.  However, I have spent the last five years working in the human, population side of geography and have enjoyed that as well.)   

So, my plan is to take just one step at a time and work towards my goal.  I hope only taking one course at a time will help and knowing that I am hard working and excited about the process should make things better.  Finally, I know Kyle, and the rest of my family, will be a huge help.  My family has been very supportive about the idea so far and I cannot thank them enough.  I know they will continue to support my decision to become Dr. Kalyn Rossiter.  

My first goal? Make it through my first semester back at school.

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