Monday, June 20, 2011

New Photo App.

I downloaded a new photo app. for my smart phone and I am pretty excited to start using it.  It is called the Retro Camera App. and it allows you to take a picture with six different cameras.  Here are the results of my first experiment with the new app:

1.  the ripsteroku camera

2.  the fudgecan camera

3.  the pinhole camera

4.  the xolariod camera

5.  the little orange box camera

6.  the barble camera

You actually choose the camera and then take the picture.  Kind of fun!


  1. interesting, would it replace your camera?

  2. don't forget to tape true blood! also, nowadays we say 'dvr'. haha.

    was it a free download?

  3. No, it won't replace my camera. It is just something fun to use on my phone.

    It was free, but I hear there are better apps for the iPhone. Try the Hipstamatic one, if you haven't already.

    Ha! I didn't even think about "tape". How about record? that covers all technology, I think.
