Wednesday, September 7, 2011

DC at Night

Last weekend Kyle and I had a night out in D.C. We ate at Ella's, walked around the mall, and treated ourselves to Froyo.  (We actually sweat our way through the mall and ran past the pond to avoid as many mosquitos as possible, but it was still fun.)  I had the tart yogurt with tons of fruit and it was the best.  Kyle had two choices (!) of dairy-free yogurt.  

One of the best ways to see the monuments on the mall is to see them at night.  They look completely different than they do during the day.  Kyle took these pictures since I did not bring my tripod and he can stand still longer than I can.  

 Capitol Building

World War II Memorial

Korean War Memorial - by far the creepiest at night

1 comment:

  1. WOW, love the looks of things at night. The Korean monument does look creepy though.
