Monday, September 26, 2011

Our LSU Flag: Bringing Neighbors Together

This is the second Fall we have lived in our home and the second year I have put out our LSU flag to celebrate the football season.  It is funny how many people stop and talk to us about LSU football now. 

The UPS man, who is also a neighbor and an Ohio State Alum, talks to Kyle about how we are doing this season every time he drops off a package (which is really funny because I am the real fan and Kyle does not really talk football).  We also found out that our old neighbors across the street were married in Louisiana and personally know a previous LSU chancellor.  Then, there is the Auburn graduate down the street.  Darn Auburn! 

This weekend LSU played West Virginia, which is not too far from where we live, and many alumni live in the DC area.  So, I should not have been surprised when the neighbor behind us showed up with West Virginia mints and wished us luck before the game Saturday. 

Nothing like college football to bring the neighborhood together.

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