Saturday, October 15, 2011

Getting things under control

Well, I did not get everything done that I wanted to over the holiday weekend, but we got a lot done.  We completed...
  • putting all of the baby stuff away.  so.much.laundry.
  • installing the ceiling fan.  Well, we did not do it, but it is done.  I know this is not very exciting, but I think it looks nice, and creates more light and a much needed breeze.
  • renovating some of the kitchen cabinets.  Kyle did this one, and although he only has the top cabinets done so far, they are looking great.
  • getting my flu shot.  Ouch.
  • a bunch of other boring stuff not worth mentioning.
Enjoy the pictures!




  1. Disregard the appliances in the pictures. They are soon to go.

  2. Everything looks great. And, get used to so much laundry; it's not going to get better anytime soon.

  3. i forgot to look at the cabinets yesterday!! duh.

  4. also, can you pleeeeaaaaase take word verification off? i'm lazy.
