Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Anna is 4 months

March 30, 2012

Dear Anna -

You are four months old today and you have been in day care for a month now.  People keep asking me how you are doing in day care and I never know how to answer their question.  You seem happy when I visit you on lunch and when I take you home at night.  You eat well from the bottle.  You come home clean and with all the fingers and toes you left with in the morning.  On the other hand, you are crying sometimes when I visit you or come to pick you up, and you caught a pretty nasty cold.  Overall, I think the teachers at day care adore you but I miss you terribly during the day; and although I really enjoy working again, my favorite part of the day is when I get to come pick you up to take you home.
Here are your numbers:
24 1/4 inches
14 lbs 5.5 oz

We did not do a whole lot this month because we mainly focused on getting you to day care and me to work.  The fact that we managed to do that should be accomplishment enough.  You did get another visit from Gram and Gramps, you saw the cherry blossoms, ran a 5k, met my Nana, and celebrated Aunt Erin's birthday.

You are a champ at tummy time and sucking your thumb.  You are almost rolling over and you are moving all over your crib at night.   You got to feel your first 80 degree days and agree with me that they are the best.

You are not sleeping through the night these days, so feel free to let me know how I can fix that.  It could be that you have had a cold now for almost two weeks!  Colds.are.the.worst.  (That is all I am going to say since I want to try to stay positive with these letters.)  I hope you start to feel better soon.

Your cheeks - let's talk about your cheeks.  They are huge and that is all anyone has to talk about.  Everyone loves your cheeks.

You are turning into such a Dad's girl!  More and more people tell me you look like him and I think you like him best.  You smile for him all the time and you calm down in him arms much quicker than mine.  I am trying not to be jealous.

This has not been an easy month with everything that we have going on, but it still has been a good month.  I cannot wait to see what the next month brings us!



  1. Anna - your mom has been taking care of both of us this past week. She's a great mom and you smile for her just as much as for me.

  2. I tear up everytime I read these...Anna, your mom is so thoughtful to write to you. You have the best parents ever!
