Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Saturday Morning Runs

Every Saturday morning Erin, Kyle, Anna, and I have been meeting on the mall for a run.  We have been doing this for three weeks now, so I am pretty sure we will be flaking out soon.  
It has been really fun and the mall is a great place to meet up.  There is plenty of parking and a metro stop nearby. 
The entire circle that goes around the mall is 4 miles, so it is easy to pace ourselves.  So far we have gone the entire 4 miles, but have only run about 3.5 of those miles.  
Erin could probably go the whole 4 miles if she was not nice enough to wait for the rest of us.  I could probably go 3.6 miles if I did not have to take my turn with the stroller.
Erin and I are training for a 10K in September, so I hope we do keep up our runs.  
The best part?  We meet Sean for breakfast afterwards.  Sean comes from tennis, so he comes to breakfast gross and sweaty too.

1 comment:

  1. what did Anna ask Sean? looks like she's waiting for his answer. Maybe she's bored with the mall and wants to watch him play tennis instead.
