Monday, June 18, 2012

Random Thoughts

  • Anna is up to three meals of fruits or veggies a day and last night she ate an entire jar of squash.  I am not sure what normal proportions are supposed to be, but that seems like a lot.
  • Riley is really enjoying Anna's mealtime.
  • I hope to make Anna's food myself someday.  Yesterday I made peanut butter cookies instead.
  • Nothing prepares you, mentally or physically, for baby poop after food.  Nothing.
  • Yesterday a lady told me that her goal is to have grandkids by the time she is 50.  That does not seem like a job that is up to her...
  • I saw my sister's kitchen over the weekend.  It is already looking so good and they have barely begun.  I am not at all jealous (close eyes and repeat three times - I am not jealous, I am not jealous, I am not jealous).
  • Kyle and I are obsessed with Friday Night Lights.  I also started watching Downton Abbey, but it is still too early to tell.


  1. Friday Night Lights is the BEST! I think the first season of the show is one of the best seasons of television ever! And I loved Downton Abbery before it got super popular; I loved the first season but wasn't so wild about the second. Bates and Anna make me smile a lot.

    1. We finished Season 1 last night. sooo good!

  2. Is Anna drinking from some sort of a bottle?
    That's a lot of food but then she's a growing girl.

    1. Kind of. She's working on feeding herself a bottle and drinking from a sippy cup. The picture above is her bottle.

  3. And the peanut butter cookies were delicious! If the choice is baby food or cookies...always cookies.

    1. I would vote for peanut butter cookies too, mfg baby food is fine.
