Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

Otherwise known as...
  • our great tour of the Midwest;
  • let's see how many new states we can count for Anna;
  • visiting cities you never actually want to visit unless you have a specific reason to;
  • the week I did not have to pump;
  • quality time with family.
We just got back from a week away and phew I am exhausted.  It was a whirlwind trip flying into Chicago, visiting Kyle's family, driving to Michigan, visiting my family, attending a wedding, driving across Michigan, and then flying home from Detroit.  Our multi-city trips were exhausting before Anna, so I knew this would be tiring with Anna.  She did great!  She slept every night except one, generally seemed like a happy baby despite getting two (!) new teeth, and was just about perfect on all three plane rides.   

Here is the recap of our trip:

Trip Part 1 - Rockford, IL.  The place that Kyle would like to move to but I never will.

Kyle grew up in Rockford, his parents have lived in Rockford a long time, and I think his family is 'big' in Rockford.  This is part of the reason I would never want to move there.  I would always feel like the new girl in Kyle's world.  The other reason I would not want to live there?  Hmmm...  How do I put this...  I think if you have grown up there, you like Rockford for all that it is and all that is not.  If you did not grow up there, it is harder to appreciate.

While there, we spent most of our time visiting with Kyle's parents and his brother.  We also spent a lot of time watching the Olympics.  (sidenote:  I have vacationed before during the Olympics and it is the best.  There is always something on TV to watch and even if it is not in English, you still know what is going on.)  

Anna and Gramps
Anna and Gram

We did venture out as well.  Kyle and I ran along the Rock River which has a great path and views of some beautiful homes.  The river smells a tad like dead fish, but maybe that just makes you run faster?

Rock River
We also drove up to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  It was beautiful!  The weather was perfect and the water was warm.  Anna liked showing off her swimming skills, but she loved sitting in the sand, letting the water come to her (and eating sand, again.).  After swimming, we ate at Gordy's and then drove back to Rockford.

We did not actually leave her out there on her own.
She tried really hard to crawl all week.

The next day we went to the Boone County Fair.  It was your typical fair with rides, fried foods, and cute farm animals.  It was fun to see Anna watch the animals and see the animals watch Anna.  Oh, and I devoured an elephant ear.

I am not sure there is anything cuter than a bunny.  Maybe kittens?

The rest of the time was spent hanging with the family, eating at a delicious, vegan brewery Pig Minds, and taking part in a photo session with a family friend.  The visit flew by and before we knew it, it was time to pack up and head to Michigan.
It rained, a lot, and was cold!
Stripes are in.

Trip Part 2 - Kalamazoo, Michigan.  The place that houses my extended family that I go years without seeing.

The whole reason for the entire trip was to attend my cousin Kate's wedding.   A lot of my family lives in or around Kalamazoo, and although growing up we made the trip to western Michigan often, it has been several years since I have seen my Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles, and cousins.  It was nice to see everyone again and weddings are always fun.  I was a total failure at taking pictures though.  

The wedding took place here.  It was beautiful.
Kyle and Anna sat in their own section during the ceremony.
Kate and Marcus
Anna and Nana
Centreville, Michigan

Besides the wedding, we managed to squeeze in a trip to the mall and dinner at Mangia Mangia.  The restaurant was a bit tough to find, but the food was good and the service was excellent (trust me, our table was a total, almost embarrassing, pain).

With the end of the wedding, came the end of our visit to Kalamazoo, and we were off to eastern Michigan with my parents.

Trip Part 3 - Suburbs of Detroit.  The place that feels like home and it may just be that again.

My parents are moving back to area that I grew up in, so Kyle and I got to check out some lake houses with them.  I really hope they buy one of them, as it will be a fun house to visit and nice to be in the area again.  We also drove past my old house, visited with an old neighbor, ate at an old favorite (Mr. B's), and played at my old park.  I just wish I would have gotten out my camera more.

Grandpa, Nana, and Anna.

That night we said goodbye to my parents and we flew back to DC the next morning.

Notes on flying with Anna:  Anna did really well on this trip.  Kyle and I did well too, since we did not yell at each other once.  We checked the car seat and took an umbrella stroller with us, and it worked out pretty well.  I tried to feed Anna on the take off and landing but the timing did not always work out.  I started to freak out, but Anna did fine.  I do not think her ears were bothered at all.  We took advantage of her love of puffs and whenever she would get the least bit bored or cranky, we would offer her more.  Perfect parenting, I know.  Our only hiccup was that our stroller was left on the jet way in Detroit on our way home.  Kyle and I still managed to metro home though with baby, two bags, two suitcases, and a car seat because we are awesome.  Delta delivered the stroller to our house sometime in the middle of the night (?).  

Time to confess:  This trip was tiring.  We tried to fit a lot in, and I am glad we did, but I may have had a breakdown when we got home.  I may have cried in the bathroom for a bit about how I just wanted a nap, about how I was jealous most of my friends are vacationing in other countries right now (Canada!, Iceland!, Belgium!), and about how I missed my family already.  Fifteen minutes later, I stopped feeling sorry for myself and was fine again.  Kyle managed to get about eight loads of laundry done in the meantime, so that helped too.  Time spent with family is important and fun, and I am grateful for that.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics. Having been born and raised in Rockford, it gets a bad rap. Just think of it as a suburb of that big town, Chicago. So glad you all were able to visit. Anna was a peach.
