Thursday, October 10, 2013

Life Lately

Furlough.  That's about all there is to mention about life lately in our house.  Then, I saw my sister's post today, so I thought I would steal her idea and mention a little more.

Day 1:  Head into work - sign the paperwork - head home from work.  There may have been some tears.  I am totally disappointed in our government that my job is not important enough to keep going.  (I'm not talking about being 'essential'.  I know that what I do is not as important as what others do.)  Feeling a bit worthless.  I am also totally disappointed in myself.  We did not have to move to an area where it takes us two incomes to pay our bills, but we did.  Take a nap - get up and dust off - clean the house - find a green crayon melted in the dryer and almost lose it again.

Day 2:  Paint - paint - paint.  I still have a bunch of white paint for the hallways, so I did what I could in a day.  Threaten Kyle that if he dares to go out to lunch this week, he will have to find a new home.

Day 3:  Take care of sick Anna.  At least I am important at home.  Oh, also got Anna her first haircut!

Day 4:  Play date with Adelaide!  Go to the park - play at the house - teach Anna how to share (she's still working on it).

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Day 5:  Take why-is-my-eye-now-red-and-swollen Anna to the doctor - work on school work.  I'm pretty much over being angry.  (Side note:  If I hear one more thing about how horrible it is that the National Parks are closed, I'm going to scream.  This still makes me angry.  I love our parks, I'm sorry for those that live on Federal land, I'm sorry for those that had vacation plans, but I AM NOT GETTING PAID!  How is that not a bigger story?  (not about me personally, but about the 800,000 of us not getting paid and about the 1,000s of others working while their pay is delayed))  I have this constant uneasy feeling, but I'm trying to concentrate on doing stuff that makes my day worthwhile.  I don't watch the news, Facebook drives me insane, and I never even think about setting an alarm for the next day.  Hope I'll get a phone call when we do get back to work. 

Day 6:  More school work - pack for upcoming trip to Maine - run to Target for a few things - buy much needed flats from Target - wear them to school - find that they are super uncomfortable - maybe cried on the way home about spending the $16 on said shoes - stay up way too late talking with Kyle about how stressful things at work are for him.  He has the same uneasy feeling.

Day 7:  More school work - more painting - watch Gossip Girl Season 6 (it was terrible) - try at-home waxing...

Day 8:  Clean the house (again!) - lunch with a co-worker/friend (I told Kyle he could go out to eat too) - Pay only the minimum on a credit card for the first time in years - more school work.  I really do have a lot of school work.

Day 9 (tomorrow):  Head to Maine!  We planned this trip months ago, and since the lodging, flights, and car rental are paid off, we are going.  It will be nice to explore a new place, but with three out of the four of us going (excluding Anna) furloughed, it should be interesting.


  1. enjoy Maine; you don't know when you will get to visit again. The furlough will be over before you know it. Of course, you can all come live with me in Michigan--plenty of room and the cider mills are open!

  2. Have a great time in Maine! I would love to go there right now, the fall colors must be gorgeous. Can't wait to see pictures

  3. it's so annoying that people are complaining about the national parks being closed. i get it, it's ridiculous but there are families out there NOT GETTING PAID. someone in my fb feed posted this morning that a WWII cemetery/memorial she was visiting overseas was closed. again, there are people NOT GETTING PAYCHECKS.
