Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to Maui

My Dad turned 60 this year, and for his birthday he took the whole family to Maui, Hawaii!  So, Kyle and I got to experience more of the island life.  No complaints here!

On this trip to Maui we...

Pineapples for everyone!

Took a tour of the pineapple plantations.  I have mixed reviews of this adventure.  The bus trip was extremely bumpy and motion sickness inducing, but the pineapple tasted delicious (I did not even like the fruit before this trip, but now I am addicted).  The historical facts were ehh, but we got to pick our own pineapples right out of the ground.  Overall, I liked the trip, but I still have red dust on my shoes.

Black Sand Beach

Took the road to Hana.  We paid for a guided bus tour to Hana, and although it was a really long day, I would do it again.  We saw things you just would not see otherwise and I would be way to nervous to drive the long way myself.  On the trip we say the seven sacred pools (really beautiful but really scary!  there are seven different ways you can be sucked out into the ocean!), black sand beach (rare!), caves, trees with tie-died bark, and a winery (yum!). 

Pearl Harbor

Took an airplane to Oahu for the day.  We wanted to check out another island, so we checked out Oahu.  We saw Pearl Harbor, snorkeled in Hanauma Bay, swam at Waikiki Beach and noticed that everything was in Japanese.  Oahu is much larger and more commercial than Maui, so I have to say I like Maui better.  However, Waikiki Beach is now my favorite Hawaiian beach.  They put up breakers, so the waves are not as big and you do not have any undertow to worry about.  Also, there is more beach on Oahu, most of the beaches we went to in Maui had very little room to lay out and relax.

Hanauma Bay - Oahu

Finally, we went to a luau (have to do this at least once), shopped in Lahaina (watch out for cruisers), and went to the Maui Ocean Center.

Thanks Dad, for a great trip.  Happy Birthday!

For more pictures, click here.

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