Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kyle's Big Birthday Weekend

Kyle and I celebrated his 30th birthday in St. Louis.  He has always wanted to take the train somewhere, so we took it from Kansas City to St. Louis.  It was super fun.  I recommend taking the train to anyone who has some extra time to get where they want to go.  It was not the fastest route, but it was the most relaxing.  It doesn’t have the hassle (and near panic attacks) of flying, and it is not as boring as driving with one of us having to concentrate on the road. The trip was about five hours, but we had plenty of movies to watch and snacks to eat.  We sat in business class, which means more room, our own electric plug, tray tables, and seats that recline really far.  The train was not as fancy, or shiny and new, as I was somehow expecting, and the food on the train was awful.  So, bring your own food and have an open mind, and it can be really fun.  In St. Louis we shopped (H&M!), relaxed, ate, and visited this crazy museum. 

Thoughts on St. Louis:
- They have great public transportation
- They have really cute, old neighborhoods
- The downtown pretty much shuts down over the weekend, but it makes it really easy to get a reservation at a nice restaurant.
- I ate raw salmon for the first (and last) time, on accident.  Yuck!

It was a great, big birthday weekend.

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