Sunday, April 11, 2010

Firpo Fell

We had a pet-drama filled weekend.  First, Friday night Riley came down with the whimpers.  I have no idea why, still, but almost every time she moved and was touched, she whimpered like nothing had ever hurt so much in her life.  I still don’t know what happened, but after a night of being able to sleep in the bed with us, she was cured.

Then, this morning, Firpo made the leap off our of second story balcony.  I still don’t know if he fell off or jumped off, but when I couldn’t find him on the balcony, I immediately looked down and found him, a bit stunned, on the cement stoop below.  I screamed (explicative) and ran downstairs and outside, but he was fine!  I think he is officially on his second life.

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