Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Great Weekend

I had a great weekend and here is why:
Hot Hot Hot:  It was finally a warm, summery weekend.  The temperatures were in the 80s and it was fabulous.  Summer is my favorite.
Frappuccinos:  Kyle discovered he could have this tasty treat if he asks for the soy version.  So, we enjoyed strawberries and creme, soy fraps this weekend, without whip cream of course (some day, Kyle, some day).
Lost:  We had a few friends over Sunday night to watch the series finale of Lost.  It was a great episode, but I’m still not sure how I feel about the ending.  In any case, we had great food including Dharma cupcakes!
Pedicure:  I had my first pedicure since last August!!  It was very, very nice.  Now I just hope that sand volleyball Tuesday doesn’t totally ruin it.
Celebrity Sighting (sort of):  While eating at Blanc Friday night, we saw the mayor of Kansas City.

The only bad thing about the weekend (besides it having to come to an end), was that Kyle and I practiced for the 5K run we have coming up and failed, miserably.  Twice I tried to run the course and barely made it half way each time.  The heat, humidity, and the HILLS were just too much.  I’m hoping for a miracle June 5.

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