Sunday, August 8, 2010

Three Eastern European Cities - City 1

Charles Bridge

On the first stop of our three city eastern European tour, we flew into Prague, which has a surprisingly small airport.  We then took a taxi to our modern hotel near Old Town Square.  In Prague we checked out Old Town Square, the Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, sampled some beer, and just wandered the narrow streets.  Although we were there in August, it was really chilly.  We ended up buying sweatshirts and wore them the rest of the trip as well.  (I still have the sweatshirt!  Whenever I buy something on the road, because I had forgotten to bring it, it ends up becoming one of my most used items.  Why is that?  If I had bought it at home, at the mall, off the sale rack with a better conversion rate, would I still get as much use of out it?)

Charles Bridge

Powder Tower
After 1.5 days in Prague, I was ready to move on.  Kyle would disagree, but I felt that I had seen and done everything I wanted to do in Prague.  If we had extra time, I think I would have gotten bored and maybe I would have gone to the Puppet Theatre.

Getting around - We walked everywhere we needed to go and it was super easy.
Language issues - Almost none.  Most of the menus have an English version and most spoke at least a little English.
Food - Not great, not bad.  Beer?  Excellent (according to Kyle).

Astronomical Clock

To see more pictures, click here.

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