Monday, April 25, 2011

Cherry Blossom Chit Chat Run

This was the first year Kyle and I got to see the cherry blossoms and we got to see them while getting some exercise.  The National Park Service held free three-mile chit chat runs during the Cherry Blossom Festival.  Basically, you meet at the Washington Monument, run a bit, stop and learn about cherry blossoms, run a bit more, stop and learn more about cherry blossoms, and so on.  We ran a little over three miles and the whole thing took about one hour.  It was so fun!  I learned a lot, ran without collapsing, and got to see the blossoms when they were almost at their peak.  The best part - after we went to The Corner Bakery and ate a huge cinnamon roll.

Erin and I went back a couple weekends later and survived a second chit chat run.  (She basically did the couch-to-5K plan in one day.  Go Erin!)  The blossoms were pretty much gone and we did not have time for breakfast afterward, but we still managed to have fun.

I heard that the National Park Service is going to do chit chat runs all summer, and that it will be up to each guide to decide where they want to run and what they want to talk about.  I hope this rumor is true!


  1. I could do this type of run, especially the stop and learn part. Maybe one day we will see the Cherry blossom in person. Beautiful pictures, as always.

  2. i would love to do this again if you guys are ever up for it! sean won't run that far.

  3. I would do it again...hopefully a different topic
