Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Old Pictures

I wanted to post this old picture in honor of my upcoming trip to upstate New York.  This picture of my sister and I was taken on another trip to New York, for my Uncle's rehearsal dinner.  Oh the outfits...

I am sure we picked these out ourselves, but I am not sure why we decided to dress alike.  We did not usually dress in the same outfits.  Also, Kyle did not recognize me in this picture (he knew Erin right away though).  Finally, what is going on with my shoes...  am I 30?


  1. i swore we wore white keds with this outfit! also- we don't even look related!

    i told you about the time sean saw an ooold ballet picture of me and thought it was you? he thought "you" had taken a really unfortunate picture. then when i told him it was, in fact, me, he said - but she (in the picture) is so skinny!

  2. Oh Sean, you should have quit while you were ahead.
