Monday, July 18, 2011

San Diego, California

I was lucky enough to escape the D.C. heat (round 1? 2?) and visit San Diego, CA for a conference last week.  I was actually working on this trip, so I did not have much time to site see, but I did get one afternoon off.  Also, the closing party at the conference was at Balboa Park, so I got to see a few things.  Here are some pictures:

I like California.  It is not a state that I get to visit that often.  The good?  You cannot beat San Diego's weather (70 and sunny, daily), the heated hotel pools, and the smell of the ocean.  It also seems like there are a lot of things for kids to do.  The bad?  I spent most of my time in the Gas Lamp district, but I would venture out next time.  Also, there are a lot of homeless (see weather comment).  Finally, now that I live on the East Coast, it takes forever to get there!


  1. you forgot to mention that you like San Fran & the Bay area better as a place to live!!

  2. Yes, you are right, I would rather live there.
