Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just call him Kyle, Kyle PE

Dear Kyle,

I just wanted to tell you that I am so proud of you for earning your Professional Engineering license.  I knew you could do it.  However, I do not want to downplay how hard the test was.  I know that you were not able to take time off to study and you were not able to take a "How to Pass the PE Exam" class.  In addition, you took the test for power engineers, a discipline you have not had any formal education in.  You passed anyway, because you are awesome, and I will now call you Kyle, PE. 



  1. We are all very proud of you Kyle, PE. A major accomplishment.

  2. Kyle,

    Your whole life, you've worked so hard to excel and that hard work ethic has made you who you are today...a man we are both proud of. A man who has, yet again, excelled and become Kyle Rossiter, PE. We love you...Mom and Dad
