Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nursery Update

We made some major progress on the nursery this weekend.  We painted the room a light green and added book ledges and light fixtures.  We still have a ways to go, but progress is good.

We plan on putting a bigger chair in this corner, but our cute little rocker will do for now. 

Light fixture that gives off just a little light.

Light fixture on the ceiling.  It gives off a ton of light and it is really cute, but I am afraid it gets lost on the white ceiling.  I'm thinking of painting the ceiling, but not sure yet.


  1. It looks so cute! I love when books are displayed like that on ledges. Children's book covers are such little pieces of art.

  2. It looks great and I agree with Rebecca about the books. Love the light fixtures. Have you found fabric yet?

  3. does the ceiling light fixture cast shadows of clouds? or am i reading the picture wrong? also love the books on display!!! and the color looks great!

  4. Thanks! I am really excited about how it is turning out so far.

    No, the ceiling light fixture does not cast shadows. It is just hard to see since it is white and so is the ceiling.

    Yes, I have picked fabric and will order it this week. I'll try to email you a picture and I'll send you a swatch once I order it.

  5. You two are doing a great the book ledges and the pink light is adorable. Can't wait to see it!

  6. I would paint the ceiling to match the walls but, I don't have to do the painting.
