Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Notes on Being Pregnant

I have seen a lot of blogs by pregnant women who create weekly updates of cravings/pictures/weight gain, but I just do not have the time, or the desire, to do all of that.  However, I did want to write down a few notes on pregnancy (so far)...  I am not into scrapbooking or writing in a journal.  This blog, and the 1,000s of pictures I have on my hard drive, are my way of recording memories.  I hope this does not look like a list of complaints (I really am excited about the baby!), but rather a list of observations that I was not expecting when I learned I was expecting.

1.  Maternity clothes are hard to buy.  First, in my opinion, maternity clothes are just not cute.  I believe there is a small percentage of the population who do not gain any weight except a cute belly bump and can also afford the one line of clothing that may be a bit cute, but that is not me.  Many parts of me are bigger and I refuse to spend a lot of money on clothes that I will only wear a couple of months.  Kyle and I have a strict rule when it comes to buying things, we have to NEED it and LOVE it.  I really NEED the clothes, but do not LOVE any of them.  On top of that, I am pretty cheap (thanks Dad!) and have a really hard time spending more than $40 on an item unless I LOVE it.  I like to shop and I like to get new things; however, since I am never happy with the way I look and am super cheap, shopping for maternity wear is not fun.

2.  Strangers will talk to you.  It is one thing to have strangers ask you how far along you are and wonder if it is my first child, but it is even weirder when strangers talk to you like they know you.  For example, I was standing in the metro station waiting for my train to come and a lady came up to me and said, "I have been meaning to ask you, how have you been feeling with all of this heat?"  I politely said that I was feeling fine and using a lot of A/C these days, but I could not help but think how long was she meaning to ask me.  In another instance, I was getting on the elevator at work when a woman (who I have never seen before) saw me and said, "Oh, I did not know you were pregnant!"  How could she have known?  I do not think we have ever seen each other before.  For the most part, people are really very nice and excited for me, and always willing to give up their seat on the train.  It is just odd for me, since I usually just keep to myself, to make conversation with total strangers like we have known each other for years.

3.  Bras are not my friend.  I hate them and would like to refuse to wear one.  It is no secret that your boobs get bigger when you are pregnant.  I have bought bigger bras, I have bought bra extenders, but at the end of the day my body always hurts because the darn things are so tight around my chest.  (I know bigger boobs is supposed to be one of the perks of pregnancy, but I actually liked the size of my boobs before.  Along with my ankles, I think my boobs were perfectly sized and should not get any bigger.)  I wish it were acceptable to just go without a bra.  They are a bit perkier these days, so I think I can get away with it. 

4.  I do not plan on having a professional pregnancy photo shoot.  Several people have asked if I was going to do get pictures done and my answer is no.  I hate having my picture taken, mostly because I take horrible pictures (think Chandler's engagement pictures on Friends).  In addition, I am not having an easy time embracing my new pounds and do not think I want to remember the days of feeling huge and crappy.  So, for now, I am avoiding being in front of the camera as much as possible and if I change my mind, I can always bribe my sister into an impromptu photo shoot (minus the naked body shots).

Evidence that I should not be in front of the camera and evidence that life is not fair since my husband can just stand there and it is perfection:

5.  I am really nervous about school starting in two weeks.  Will everyone stare at me like I am crazy?  Will I complete the semester before Baby?  Will I have to leave during the final exam because my water broke and my screaming in pain is too much for the other students?  Kyle has to constantly remind me that it is perfectly acceptable to be pregnant at my age and my sister said many of her classmates were pregnant at some point during her grad school days.  I am working towards my Ph.D after all, this is not 16 and Pregnant.  My due date and the end of the semester are at about the same time, so who knows what will happen.  I just hope to kick butt throughout the semester, so my professor will work with me in rescheduling the final, if needed.

6.  This is what I was meant to do.  I have to keep reminding myself of this, but I believe that this is what womens' bodies were built for.  (I am NOT saying that all women should or need to have children, I am just saying that I believe our bodies can perform miracles so that we can have children.)  All of the weight gain, aches and pains, indigestion is just nature taking its course and doing its best to create a new life.  That is my end goal after all and I just need to keep repeating that to myself.  And, if that does not work to brighten my mood, a manicure and pedicure will usually do the trick.

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