Monday, August 29, 2011

Back from Vacation

Random notes from vacation:
  • I like taking road trips with my husband.  He drives most of the way, stops whenever I ask him to, and lets me nap.  I really enjoyed hitting the road with him and exploring the 45,543 rest areas along the way.  I never really got bored or terribly uncomfortable, although I cannot speak for him.
  • I have turned into a snobby traveller.  I do not know when it happened, but I have high expectations and get really disappointed when things do not work out (need to work on this).
  • We actually went on two vacations at the same time.  Thanks Erin and Sean!
  • Something broke on our car for the 45,543rd time.  I went to the library and picked up four audio books.  After I put the first CD in, it played for about three minutes and broke the CD player.  We cannot get anything to play or any CDs in or out.
  • Between the earthquake and Hurricane Irene, the time away from home was a bit stressful. 
  • Why is it so hard to come back from vacation?  I should be rested and ready to face the world, but that was not the case when my alarm went off this morning.
  • I will get to posting pictures soon!

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