Monday, August 29, 2011

Stopping by Savannah

Forsyth Park

We spent the night in Savannah while on our way to Key West and stayed downtown to stretch our legs and explore the city a bit.  I liked the city, but would probably have gotten bored if I stayed much longer.  Downtown was nice with plenty of restaurants, cool shops, 
 and, of course, beautiful squares. 

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

Recommendation - We had the best dinner at Rocks on the River.  We both had salads, because it was ridiculously hot, and we just cannot take in a lot of food when we are that hot.  We shared the bruschetta appetizer (minus the cheese).  Then, I had a caesar salad, which was standard, but good.  Kyle had the pulled chicken chopped salad with the best dressing ever!  Thankfully Kyle shared his meal and now I cannot talk enough about how good that salad was.  The table next to us was on the fence about whether or not to order it and we told them it was a must.  After, we walked around a bit and I managed to squeeze in a candied apple.


Funny story - We went to the hotel bar so Kyle could drink his dessert and talked with the bartender and some of the other patrons.  While talking to an Irish school teacher, who was enjoying some time off in the U.S., we found out the bartender is married to a Rossiter.  In fact, I guess there is a Rossiter Square somewhere in Savannah that her family is responsible for.  It was Irish-fest in the Hilton Garden Inn.


Sidenote:  The Hilton Garden Inn serves FREE ice cream in the lobby.

Sidenote 2:  I could not help but wonder how a school teacher from Ireland could afford a month in the U.S. just traveling around.  I also could not help being super jealous.


To see more pictures, click here.


  1. Sidenote 3: I spilled lemonade in the lobby.....a lot of lemonade

  2. i was waiting for the lemonade story!

    love your photos!

  3. Okay, what's the lemonade story; other than you spilled it in the lobby.

  4. Kyle was juggling a lot in the hands when he decided he wanted some lemonade from the lobby. I offered to hold some things, but he said he was fine. So, he filled up an entire glass of lemonade and then immediately dropped the entire glass all over the lobby. He then had to ask the front desk attendant to clean it up.

    It really was not a big deal, but he was pretty embarrassed.
