Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am not sure how it happened, but I went from having everything under control to feeling completely overwhelmed.  I am guessing it is all my own fault.  
  • My DVR is 72% full.  Yikes!  Since we had a busy weekend and since Kyle is out of town this week, we have not caught up on our TV shows and the DVR keeps filling up.  I do not know why I see this as a "To Do", but every week I aim to get that number down to 0% by the end of the week.  Stupid, I know.
  • I am pretty sure my mailbox is at 150% full.  My mailbox key is broken, so I have no hope of getting to the mail until Kyle gets back with his key.  I also have no hope of getting a new key until I can get to the Post Office to fill out all of the forms and pay $30 (!!) for a new lock.  Super annoying.
  • I have not watched my Netflix DVDs in weeks.  Again, I do not know why I see this as a "To Do" either, but I have this crazy need to finish all of the movies on my Queue ASAP.  Again, stupid, I know.
  • I have two library books out, both due in October, and no time to read.  I have been getting books from the library to save money and it has been working out great.  However, some of the books I get are popular so you can only check them out for two weeks and that is way too short for me, a slow reader.  Why do I do these things to myself?
Here are list of things I actually do need to get done:
  • Call an electrician to install the ceiling fan I have sitting in the garage.
  • Get the garage door fixed
  • Call a fireplace person to ensure our fireplace is working properly before it gets too cold.
  • Get an oil change that is way overdue.
  • Get a flu shot.
  • Put away the baby stuff and figure out what we still need to buy.
  • Start writing two term papers that are due at the same time as the baby.
  • Pick out kitchen cabinet knobs (and if Kyle reminds me one more time that I need to do this, I am going to break down).
Good thing I have a three day weekend coming up! 

1 comment:

  1. And, whatever you don't get done will still be there the next day. Relax and give yourself a break, prioritize too. lots of love
