Thursday, March 1, 2012

Anna is Three Months

March 1, 2012

Dear Anna -
Wow, I cannot believe you are three months already.  I know February is a short month, but it seemed extra short this year.

Here are your (approximate) numbers:
25 inches
12-13 lbs

We have had a really busy month.  You rode on an airplane, took a road trip, saw a movie in the theater, and celebrated Dad's birthday.  

You are really good at lifting your head and you drool all the time.  You are always on the move too, even though you cannot actually get anywhere yet.

You have found your hands and are getting good at using them.  You love to suck on your fingers and thumb, but will settle for your whole hand if you cannot get the fingers in just right.  You are grabbing objects too and try your hardest to get those in your mouth as well.

You love watching TV.  You will turn your head in the direction of the TV every time we are in the family room.  I really hope you are not comprehending what you are seeing, otherwise you will grow up thinking you have to go on The Bachelor to find your husband.

You are talking more and more.  You have such a sweet, soft voice.  You are also still sleeping pretty well.  Please, please, please keep this up once I go back to work.

This was my last month at home with you and I am going back to work next week.  It feels like we are already closing one chapter in your young life and about to start a new one.  There are several things I am looking forward to once I am back at work, but I am also really sad about not getting to spend everyday, all day, with you. 

I turned on the lullaby channel on Pandora yesterday and this was the first song that played.  It is such a good song and it made me a little teary-eyed.  Then the song was over and you let out one of your super loud farts and I was not sad anymore.



  1. Love watching Anna change...thanks to your blog.

  2. Love watching Anna change...thanks to your blog.
