Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Anna - Mini Traveler

At three months old, Anna has been to six states already!!  You can see which states here.

On our latest adventure, my sister, Anna, and I traveled to Ithaca, New York to visit my aunt and my nana.  It was not a long visit, but it was a fun one.  I was really worried about Anna.  Would she cry the entire seven hour car ride (well, eight actually with stops)?  Would she cry during our visit with Nana?  Would she keep everyone up at night?  Well, no, no, and no.  She was the perfect baby all weekend!  

I loved seeing my nana hold Anna.  I loved seeing my aunt's dog, Kenzie, react to Anna.  I loved seeing my sister turn into a total softy whenever she was around Anna.  I loved how my aunt let us take over her house with all of our crap and how she showed Anna so much love.

Photos by Erin (thanks!)


  1. even a robot like me can't resist anna!

  2. What wonderful pictures that will make wonderful memories!

  3. If we could get it, Katy...Bill and I would realy like the picture of Anna with the lab. It's priceless!

    1. Kyle ordered a print and it should be shipped right to you, so hopefully you will get it soon.

    2. Thank you...it's priceless!
