Monday, April 23, 2012

Heard at the Doctor's Office

We were at the doctor's office this weekend since poor Anna has an ear infection, on top of the forever cold and she's teething.  Luckily, she has been in a pretty good mood and she loves the bubble gum flavor of her medicine.  

Two things I heard at the doctor's office:
From nurse:  "Four months?  Yeah, that's when they get all jacked.  With day care and teeth, 4-month babies are always sick."  
Hooray!  5 months is almost here?

From doctor:  "15lbs!?!  Wow, she's big...  at least she's pretty."
Who wants a skinny baby?


  1. no one wants a skinny baby!

  2. She's not big...we have a friend who has a two month old and he is 15 lbs., THAT'S big!
