Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Anna is 5 Months

April 30, 2012

Dear Anna,

You are now five months old!!  Five months!  I have to say, the fifth month has been way better than the fourth.

Here are your (approximate) numbers:
26 inches
15-16 lbs

You had a lot of firsts this month.  You got your first tooth (tear), attended your first funeral (double the tears), flew first class, got an ear infection, swam in a swimming pool, and giggled and laughed (smile).  You also found your feet for the first time and love putting them in your mouth.  

You continue to love reading and bath time, and you have even started sleeping through the night again.  It is not every night, but I will take what I can get.  You are also pretty good at entertaining yourself and just seem happy most of the time.

We tried rice cereal for the first time and you did a good job trying to eat with a spoon.  We thought it might make you sleep better at night, but it did not.  We will try again at 6 months.  Then, we will try real food!

You are working on sitting up.  You can support yourself for a few seconds, but then you usually fall forward and cry.  You still have not rolled over yet, but you like laying on your side. 

This is the first month I have felt you are starting to like me.  You smile really big when I visit you at day care and you really notice me when I walk into the room.  I also get most of the giggles.  I love you and I am starting to think you love me too.



  1. (Gram tears)...Anna, you are such a precious little girl.

  2. (Gram tears)...Anna, you are such a precious little girl.

  3. Our sweet Anna, you are so loved.
    These posts always bring tears, so proud of your Mom for writing them to you.
