Thursday, May 10, 2012

We are not getting 'Parents of the Year'

I did not actually think we were in the running anyway, but little Anna has had a tough week.  

On Saturday she almost stabbed herself in the eye with a metal fork, and on Monday she fell face-first off the couch.  Everything is fine, she is fine, but I am feeling pretty bad.  Now that we have a gymnast baby with lightning-fast reflexes, she will be spending most of her time on the floor, with nothing pointy nearby.

(I know, my pajamas do not match)

  (Can you see the bump?  No?  Good.)


  1. The fork incident was all me....she is DAMN fast

  2. she will need those fast reflexes for all the sports she's going to play. We will have her relax a bit when she's riding ponies.

  3. what is anna wearing? I can't tell if she has a tshirt on or not.

  4. She is still sporting that beautiful smile...all is good! If all of us parents were judged by the tumbles our children have taken, none of us would be in the running for any titles. I'm sure Kyle has told you about the walker tumble down the basement stairs...and, look, he turned out pretty darned good!

  5. Dad read this is said, "Isn't she beautiful?"
    You broke your arm twice and your hip at 18 months and lived. Aunt Sue visited the ER every year (no joke) from the time she was 18 months; broken leg. Stuff happens.
