Monday, April 9, 2012

Random Thoughts

  • I have officially given up on Gossip Girl.  I watched that show from the beginning, but this season has gotten ridiculous.  So, goodbye upper east side!  Also on the fringe - America's Next Top Model and Smash.
  • My hair is falling out.  I am guessing it is a I'm-no-longer-pregnant symptom, but wigs could be made from the hair in my shower and the bathroom floor each morning.  Luckily, I have a lot of hair.  Unluckily (?), I have no time to vacuum.
  • I interviewed for my job.  I have been working as a temporary federal government worker for 6.5 years and I finally have the chance to become a permanent federal government worker.  I interviewed a couple of weeks ago - fingers crossed!
  • We want to take a family vacation this summer, but I have no idea where to go.  I do not think this has ever happened before.  I think I may get Anna a passport this weekend, just in case.
  • I finally finished my edits on a paper I am trying to publish with a professor, but I have not heard anything back from him.  I want to yell, "I managed to do my work while having a baby and you cannot even let me know you received my edits?!" but I will not.
  • I am in a funk.  Between sicknesses, a baby not sleeping through the night, an ailing grandmother, and a long list of to-dos I do not think I will ever get to, I have been out of it.  It is mostly I-am-feeling-sorry-for-myself crap but it is keeping me from enjoying life right now.  I need to get back in it, and pronto! 
  • I heard Anna giggle for the first time.  It was the highlight of my weekend.


  1. maybe you should have your thyroid checked; losing hair is a symptom of thyroid disease. Professor on spring break maybe? you could vacation in Kansas.

  2. I have to agree with your mom, I hear Kansas is a lovely vacation spot! I really want to come out to D.C. again this year to visit too

    1. Come visit! We got Anna one of those National Parks Passports, so we need an excuse to get more stamps.

  3. Gossip Girl is losing me too! And I have been a dedicated fan from the beginning but starting with the whole weird Royal Wedding thing, it just went downhill! (And I know it is TV and reality is stretched big time but they are all what, 21 years old, and have all these fancy jobs that people older than us usually have.)

    But I really like Hart of Dixie which is on after GG. It is just about the only show I get excited to watch. When did all of my favorite TV shows get so lame?!?

    1. I know, exactly! They went from high school directly into fancy adult life... I guess college is not really necessary on the upper east side.

  4. see you could vacation in Kansas and visit Miranda and us!! I hear there's the world's largest ball of twine; the deepest hand dug well among other great attractions.

  5. Wow, Kansas is just sounding better and better. I hear Kansas is especially nice in the middle of the summer.

    1. Of course all 112 degrees of it; lots of sunshine too!

  6. Yay for Anna getting the passport stamps book!! She will probably have more than me soon, I need to get traveling again. I will look at my calendar and see when it might work to visit

  7. Rockford's got great parks, the riverfront, a brand new conservatory, Jane (the dinosaur)at the Burpee Museum and Chicago is only a short drive away! Sorry...that's all I've got. Two days in August is great, but just not enough for Gram and Gramps. I "googled" hair loss after baby and it appears to be normal during the first few months (and up to a year). Said by the time baby reaches 12 mos., mommy's hair should be back to normal. Hope that puts you at ease.
