Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anna is 6 Months

Dear Anna - 

You are officially closer to 1 than 0!   

Here are your numbers:
27 inches
16 pounds, 11 ounces

I cannot believe how much you change each day.  You are learning more and more each day and it is amazing to watch.  You are also looking more and more like a little girl rather than a baby.  Now you just need to grow a little more hair.

You are reaching and grabbing for everything. Once you have your hands on it, you like to shake it or put it in your mouth.  You have rolled over!  You can only roll from your back to your stomach, but I am sure you will soon master rolling the other way as well.  You love sleeping on your stomach, but you hate waking up on your stomach.  You cannot quite sit up unassisted, but you are close.

We take you out to eat more these days.  You even sat in a high chair.  And, provided we keep all sharp objects out of your reach, you do really well.

This month you got another ear infection, went to a Cinco de Mayo party, went to the beach, and met your Grand Aunt Pat.

You love puppet shows, bouncing in your bouncer, male doctors, our weekend morning runs, Riley, your Dad, and cups.

I cannot begin to tell you all that you have done for me, your dad, your aunts, uncles, and grandparents.  It has been a fantastic six months and I just want to say thank you.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oops, I just wanted to delete the comment since it was done twice by accident. Now it looks like you said something horrible that I had to remove.

  2. The 3rd picture down Anna looks just like Kyle!! WOW, she's changed so much and growing so big. Happy 6 months old Anna Sweet Anna. You are definitely the bright spot in our year.

    1. The one with the funny face looks like me?! I would be hurt, but you are probably right.

  3. don't be hurt, she's adorable!!

  4. I've gotten to where I run to the computer to see what you have written to Anna at the end of each month. Hard to believe she is 6 months old already, however she's achieved so much in a short time. She's also a well traveled little girl. Anna is loved by so many...she is a true joy. Off to go dry my (happy) tears. Happy 6 months, sweet Anna!

