Saturday, June 30, 2012

Anna is 7 Months

Dear Anna - 

Whew, another month has flown by and you are now seven months old.  Amazeballs!  (I only said that because it is an 'in' word right now and I feel like you should know that so you do not let it be 'in' again.) 

Here are your (approximate) numbers:
28 inches
18 pounds

You got a top tooth this month and I cannot believe it.  At this rate, I feel like you are going to have a full set and will be chomping down some food by the time you are one.

Speaking of food, you are now eating pureed fruits and veggies three times a day.  You have eaten everything we put in front of you, and besides a little constipation, everything seems to going OK.  You love to eat.

You can roll over from tummy to back now and can sit up unassisted as well.  It is so fun to play with 'sitting-up Anna', it is like you are seeing the world in a whole new way.  Sometimes you still fling yourself backwards and smack your head on the floor, but you will get it figured out.  You can stand now too.  You lean against your Dad and I, or hold onto the table, and put all of your weight on those chunky, little legs.   

You love Firpo.  He can make you laugh and laugh without even trying.  You still love Riley too, but Firpdiddy has caught your attention now and I am afraid there is nothing he can do about it.

We did not have too many new adventures this month, but you enjoyed spending more time in the pool and hanging out with your Aunt Erin and Uncle Sean.  We also celebrated Father's Day and skyped a lot with both sets of grandparents.   

I feel like I am starting to see your personality more and more.  You seem very thoughtful and curious.  You see a new toy and you study it for a while before deciding to shove it in your mouth.  You are also constantly distracted by everything going on around you, taking it all in, and you love to people-watch.  Finally, you are talking a lot and have entire conversations with your Dad in baby gibberish.

Thank you for making my first summer as a mom so much fun.


1 comment:

  1. Happy 7 months Miss Anna.

    it looks like you are not happy that you didn't travel this month and you are picking out a place to go next month. If you just wait for August you will travel to see Grams & Gramps; Great Grampa Wrona and all the Wrona Aunts, Uncles & cousins (and there are a lot of them, hope you aren't overwhelmed); a big noisy happy family at cousin Kate's wedding.

    lots of love, Nana
