Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Photo Challenge - Enjoying Life

I love taking pictures.  I love looking at pictures.  And, I have a fancy new camera.  My only problem is finding time to take out the fancy camera and learn how to use it.  So, I thought I would give myself some assignments to force the issue, and what better way to do that than enter some challenges.  I am not trying to become professional.  I have no expectations of ever winning.  I just want to be better.  So, here it goes...  Interwebs, please be nice to me.

Photo Challenge Submission

I Heart Faces has a monthly challenge and this month's theme is Enjoying Life.  This is Anna's I-love-you-toy-now-get-in-my-mouth-as-quickly-as-possible face.  I would say she is enjoying life.


  1. Cheeky shot :-)
    Great one

  2. This is adorable! And what a moment to capture. I'm just starting out like you, and I find these contests to be so much fun. There's so much inspiration in the other entries! Best of luck with your new camera.

  3. Awesome photo! I love the expression! I think you did great with a new camera!

  4. Cute! I think the picture turned out great.
