Friday, June 1, 2012

Random Thoughts

  • I wear my bathing suit cover-up in the morning.  I used to wear my robe all morning, so when I fed Anna I did not ruin my work outfit (that I actually pick out the night before).  It is getting too hot for that, so I have resorted to my bathing suit cover-up.  Kyle actually said this morning that it was not work appropriate, if that is what I was thinking.  Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I am a little sad knowing I am not going to the pool or beach today.
  • Even though I gave up on Gossip Girl, I sometimes still read the synopsis online.  Pathetic.  
  • We are looking for a new (to us) car.  I love that we are a one-car family and I hate having stuff that does not get used often, but with the logistics of school/work/day care in the fall, we need another car.  I hope to find something a bit bigger than what we have now, but we are on a strict budget.
  • We are trying to fit life insurance into our budget.  I am not sure why, but I never even considered life insurance before.  Our financial guys said it is actually more important than saving for Anna's college.  This totally makes sense, now.  
  • I cannot seem to make any decisions lately and I am always moody.  We have a lot on our plate right now and I am struggling with being overjoyed with all of the good in our life and crying-my-eyes-out type of tears because of what is not.  When I am happy, I start to feel guilty about it, and when I am sad, I feel like I am wasting my time and energy.  I know life can be downright shitty sometimes (my Dad's favorite saying is, "Life is not fair") but I still wish it was not.  Life just feels so short and some days I want to say, forget responsibility, let's seize the day.  However, other days I am way too scared to do that.  (Side note:  Kyle does not deal well with tears.  He tries his best with kind words and a hug, but does not know what to do with me.  He is in trouble with Anna :) ) 
  • Finally, I like donuts (doughnuts?) and I am not afraid to say it.  Why is it whenever we talk about obesity rates or the state of our nation's health, that donuts get all the blame?  (Another one of my Dad's sayings, "Everything in moderation.")
  • P.S. - Kyle stopped following someone on Instagram today because they took too many pictures of food. 


  1. It's National Donut Day! I think donuts can be exempt from the blame for the day. (And before people go blaming donuts for all of weight issues, I'm pretty sure cupcakes share some of that blame.)

    Also, I caved and watched the season finale of Gossip Girl and the end with Serena? What in the world?!?

    1. I had no idea it was Donut Day! Now I am even happier with my breakfast.

      Yes, Serena is officially crazy or the writers just couldn't think of anything else for her, so they wanted to start from the beginning.

  2. Life has it's ups and downs and definitely seems unfair a lot of the times. I feel like I've been knocked down and now that I am down, I am being beaten up. I hardly look at facebook anymore because I can't handle how carefree some people's lives are (or seem from their comments and I will admit I am jealous). Crying is a good thing, lets the stress out it just seems to hit me at the worst moment. 2013 will be a better year, I just know it. I will enjoy the small victories and all the fun things that come my way until then. I will enjoy my family and try to see them more often, especially of of you in the DC area.
