Monday, July 30, 2012

Anna is 8 months

Dear Anna - 

You are now 8 months old and this is the first time I have said, I think I am really going to miss this age.

Here are your (approximate) numbers:
28 inches
18 pounds

You are such a sweet, sweet baby but this month I am starting to see things change just a bit.  Most of your faces are happy and smiley but every once in a while I get a bit of attitude-face.  Most of the time you are content playing with your toys, but if I take away a toy, you throw a bit of a fit.  If this is just a preview of what is to come, I am happy staying right here.

I feel like your hair has grown quite a bit this month, which makes your Nana very happy.  I am even considering cutting off your little tail you continue to wear in the back.  I still cannot figure out what color your hair is though.  In some light it is blond, in other light it is red or light brown.  I guess we will just have to wait and see.

You started swim lessons.  I am not sure how you feel about them.  You do not scream and cry but you are not super excited about being in the pool either.  I think they are fun and you have the best frog kick!  

You are still eating pretty well.  You love puffs!  You do not love avocado or black beans.  

You are talking more and more.  I love it when I hear you talking to your Dad upstairs while I am downstairs.  You are not quiet.  I wish I knew what you were saying and I cannot wait to hear what you have to say.  You say mamamama and dadadada a lot, but I am not sure if you are actually talking to us or just speaking gibberish.  For the record, you said mamamama first.

This month you met your Uncle Matt, celebrated 4th of July (in bed), survived your first heat wave without A/C, played in the baby pool, and have decided you do not like it when the other day care babies touch you.  You take after your Dad more and more.

I love you Anna, please stay my sweet girl forever and ever.



  1. Through my tears I see teeth!! And your hair has natural highlights; how lucky are you. Attitude is good, you will learn to control it with just a look and not a screaming fit. Ask your Mom about having cold water thrown in her face when she threw a fit; stopped that right away. I can't wait to see you again, you've grown up so much. lots of love surrounds you.

    1. With tissue in hand, I love reading your mama's posts about your monthly developments. Gramps and I can't wait to see you next week. Hope you enjoy your short stay here in Rockyford, Illinois. We are looking forward to giving you all of our attention and spoiling you (just a little). Happy "eight months", Anna!
