Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Recap

  • Anna decided to sleep through the night and sleep until 6am.  Wahoo!
  • Erin and Sean babysat so Kyle and I could have a night out.  We ate dinner at Founding Farmers.  Delicious!
  • We also ate at PF Chang's and Seasons 52 this weekend.  We are fancy.
  • Anna had another successful swim lesson.  She is pretty much awesome at the frog kick, even if she is supposed to be doing the regular kick.  She may have thrown up a little in the pool.
  • I went to Loehmann's twice for one dress.
  • We got our new couch delivered.  Finally!
  • I caught up on sleep, but did not catch up on anything else.  One of these weekends I will actually get all of my to-do list done.
  • Finally, there is this.  I cannot tell you how excited I am - so so so so so so excited!


  1. I can see Anna's hair!!

    I didn't know you were getting a new couch, can you post another picture of it?

    1. And, because Anna has so much hair, I got some more headbands (that she just loves wearing) for her.

    2. I added another picture for you.

  2. The couch is beautiful...looks like it was worth the wait. So, maybe when you're, Kyle, and Matt could have a fun night out while Gramps and I spoil (I mean watch) Anna? We would love to give you another night out!

    1. Just remember Mom, our night out begins at about 4:00pm and ends about 6:00pm. We're old and tired.

    2. A night out is a night matter when or where...just nice to have some adult time and we'll be glad to help!

    3. Spoil, spoil spoil, it's our right Diane as grandparents!!

    4. You've got that right, Pam! Can't wait!
