Thursday, August 30, 2012

Anna is 9 months

Dear Anna-

You are nine months old today and you are acting more like a little girl than a baby every day.  

Here are your numbers:
29 inches
19 pounds, 12.7 ounces

You have had a very busy month and have learned to do so much.  

First, you are moving around now (at least a little bit).  At first you fell onto your stomach from sitting up and learned to push yourself backwards.  You can go backwards across the entire main floor if we let you.  However, now, once you are on your stomach you have learned how to sit back up, so you pretty much never stay on your stomach.  I am afraid you are never actually going to crawl.  You can, however, pull yourself up a bit.  You lean on something and push with your arms until you are on your knees.  You cannot stand up without support yet, but you are trying very hard.

You are also starting to get used to finger foods.  You have mastered puffs, but we have started to give you pieces of fruit, veggies, and cheese too.  You are starting to get the hang of it and have only thrown everything back up once (hello, green beans).

You are still talking quite a bit and continue to say mamama and dadada, but I swear I also heard you say turtle while you were in fact playing with a turtle.

This month you flew (again!), visited four new states, saw lots and lots of family, and had your picture taken by two professional photographers.  You also got four new teeth and another cold.  You attended your first wedding and celebrated your Uncle Sean's birthday.

You are still pretty good about playing with your toys by yourself, but you get bored pretty quick.  It is amazing how long a new thing can keep you busy though.  You love Tupperware, spatulas, and mail-order catalogs.

Anna, you really are growing up fast.  You are a little old lady now!  And, apparently, you like sticking out your tongue.  Love you baby girl.
