Wednesday, September 26, 2012

High Chair Search


I am on the search for a high chair, since we have needed one since, like, yesterday.  Anna's adventures in food are taking a toll on our upholstered chairs.  Why are high chairs so ugly?  And, why are the semi-cute ones so expensive?  

While searching for "modern high chair" I came across the picture above.  Not exactly what I was looking for.  Maybe I'll save the link for Anna's 18th birthday?


  1. oh no. i know you guys usually do this so i'm assuming you've searched craigslist?

    i've also seen an old wooden high chair painted a bright fun color that looks really good. or ikea's are pretty cute for modern.

  2. I have an old one but no tray on it. It would have to be pulled up to the table. I can take a picture, send it along and you can let me know if you want it. I like the idea of painting it a fun color too.

  3. We have tried Craigslist but we can't find any of the cute/expensive ones. We are going to a couple consignment sales this weekend, so maybe we'll find something.

    Mom - How tall is it? I like the idea, but it might be too tall for our table. I guess it could work with our island though. hmmm.

    I would have to choose a color then which may send me over the edge. I am having difficulty making decisions these days.

    1. I will measure it and take a picture in a few minutes and send to your phone. I will try it near my table too

    2. i might go to the consignment place in bethesda on saturday, i can look there.

      or, i can choose a color for you!

  4. can you paint it too Erin? We'll get you a Low VOC paint.

  5. Would you be interested at all in the one we have here? You are welcome to have it, paint it, or whatever. We could bring it when we come next week. Just let me know and it's yours! I can take a picture and measure it for you too.

  6. Oh...and the shoes? Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!
